NITRO Source Series Nitrogen Generator
Relying on a unique design concept and leading the market with advanced energy-saving technology at its core, NITROSource PSA is a generator that produces more nitrogen with very little air demand. It can match the flow of compressed air according to the flow and purity of nitrogen, reduce the use of compressed air, reduce energy consumption and capital investment. Low maintenance, long operating life Carbon molecular sieves are the more efficient engines for nitrogen generators to separate nitrogen from compressed air, resulting in long runtimes and major maintenance savings. Food and drug safety, in line with European regulations (EIGA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA Article 21) and pharmacopoeia specifications, and has obtained Edward's Ayalytical certification.
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Suzhou Jiangrui Mechatronics Co.,Ltd
Contact: Manager Zhou
Mobile: 13812767067
Address: 2nd Floor, Building 4, No. 68, Qiye Road, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park
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